Higher Capex Loans

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Higher Capex Loans


During the pre-budget session, states demanded higher capex loans from the centre towards the state.


  • During FY2020-21, the Centre launched a programme to provide the state with interest-free loans for 50 years for infrastructure development. 
  • The Centre’s Effective Revenue Expenditure contains revenue expenditures made towards the state that are used for infrastructure development.
  • The funds for infrastructure development come as additional financial support as observed by Reserve Bank of India’sState Finances: A Study of Budgets of 2024-25’ report.
    • The report raises concerns that free/subsidised services, loan waivers, and other cash transfers (included under revenue expenditure) reduce the funds available for infrastructure development.
  • Former Chief Economic Advisor Krishnamurthy Subramanian, in the book “India@100:Envisioning Tomorrow’s Economic Powerhouse” also stresses the importance of capital expenditure (“capex”), which has 3-fold benefits
    • It increases demand and supply, unlike revenue expenditure (“revex”), which merely enhances demand. 
    • Capex allows “crowding in” of private investment, unlike revex, which leads to “crowding out” of private investment. 
    • Capex provides a farsighted policy.

Benefits of Capital Expenditure:

  • Better Infrastructure
  • Rise in Quality of Services
  • Seamless Logistics and Delivery of Goods and Services
  • Quality of Infrastructure (Ratio of Capex to Revex Increases) 
  • Better Human Capital Development
  • Income & Employment Generation
  • More Revenues to the Government

What have been the major bottlenecks in state finances?

  • The 15th Finance Commission has made recommendations regarding tax devolution through Census 2011. This has been a concern for the southern states that went through a population growth control programme, thus reducing their share of tax. 
  • Centrally Sponsored Schemes where the funds are operated jointly by the Centres and state governments. States run their own welfare programmes, along with these Centrally-operated schemes, which expand their expenditure. 
  • States also face issues of tax distribution, considering the rise in surcharges that are solely kept with the central government. 
  • State governments are taking the toll of losses borne by the distribution companies (DISCOMs). 
  • States are somewhere spending (according to the Policy Review by the PRS Legislative Research) 8-9% (with states like Punjab making up to 17% of the revenue receipts) of the revenue receipts on subsidies, popularly in the arena of economics as “Revadinomics” or “Freebies”. 
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