The Study By Manikant Singh

World Development Report 2024: Middle-Income Trap

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World Development Report 2024: Middle-Income Trap


World Bank report “World Development Report 2024” reveals that over 100 countries, including China, India, Brazil, and South Africa, are facing significant challenges in advancing to high-income status due to the “middle-income trap.”


Middle-Income Trap: 

  • In 2007, the World Bank’s report “An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Economic Growth” introduced the term “middle-income trap.”Middle-income trap happens when a country is stuck at a middle-income level and can’t grow further because it fails to adapt its economy. 
  • Middle-income trap typically occurs when countries reach about 10% of annual U.S. GDP per capita, approximately $8,000 today
  • Since 1990, only 34 middle-income countries have transitioned to high-income status, with many benefiting from European Union’s integration or oil discoveries.


Current Status of Middle-Income Countries:

  • As of the end of 2023, 108 countries were classified as middle-income, with GDP per capita ranging from $1,136 to $13,845. 
  • These nations are home to around six billion people, representing 75% of the global population, and contain two-thirds of the world’s extreme poor. 
  • They contribute to over 40% of global GDP and more than 60% of carbon emissions, while facing challenges such as: Ageing populations, rising protectionism, and the need for an accelerated energy transition.


The 3i Strategy for Economic Advancement:

  • The report proposes a “3i strategy” to help countries escape the middle-income trap:
  • Investment (1i Phase): Low-income countries should focus on increasing investment to stimulate growth.
  • Infusion (2i Phase): Once lower-middle-income status is achieved, countries should adopt foreign technologies and spread them across their economies.
  • Innovation (3i Phase): At the upper-middle-income level, countries should innovate and develop their own technologies, moving beyond merely adopting foreign ideas.
  • World Bank emphasises that the path to high-income status is fraught with challenges, but progress is possible through a balanced approach that includes- 1) Investment, technology infusion, and innovation. 2)It states that countries that resist necessary reforms may miss out on the benefits of sustained economic growth.


Examples of Successful Implementation:

  • South Korea is highlighted as a successful case, evolving from a per capita income of $1,200 in 1960 to $33,000 by the end of 2023. The country initially focused on public and private investment, later adopting foreign technologies, which led to the rise of global companies like Samsung
  • Other nations, such as Poland and Chile, have also successfully implemented similar strategies, focusing on technology transfer and adaptation for local industries.


Economic Survey 2023-24: India’s Economic Trajectory and Development Finance Utilisation: 

  • India’s economic progress towards higher middle-income status is evident in its shifting use of World Bank Group finance
  • Initially, India was a major user of the International Development Association (IDA) for concessionary financing. 
  • However, with increasing income growth, India has transitioned to International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) for commercial funding and now contributes to IDA.
  • As India nears IBRD borrowing limits and given the planned investments in human capital, climate transition, and infrastructure, it needs to shift its approach to using multilateral finance.
  • India is leveraging the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) to access market finance on competitive terms. 
  • By using MIGA, India is following recommendations from its G-20 Presidency report, advocating for the World Bank Group to play a larger role in leveraging market finance for middle-income countries.
  •  This strategic shift reflects India’s broader goals of sustainable economic growth


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