The Study By Manikant Singh

Integrating Radiocarbon Data into Climate Models

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Integrating Radiocarbon Data into Climate Models


A study published in Science magazine using radiocarbon from Cold War nuclear tests reveals that plants absorb more CO2 and store it for shorter periods than previously thought.

About the News:

  • The study suggests that plants are cycling carbon faster than earlier estimates, potentially storing around 80 billion tonnes of carbon per year, mostly in non-woody parts. 
  • Previous studies had shown this value to be at least 43-76 billion tonnes of carbon per year worldwide.
  • The findings highlight the need for more accurate climate models that include radiocarbon data and better  predict carbon dynamics.
  • Relics of the Cold War : During the Cold War, nuclear bomb tests released significant amounts of radioactive materials, including carbon-14 (radiocarbon), into the atmosphere. 
  • So far, radiocarbon inclusion has been low due to limited resources, both funding and effort, available for model development and observational research.


Implications of the Finding:

  • This could imply that plants release carbon sooner than expected, impacting our understanding of the carbon cycle.



Carbon-14 released from Nuclear Bombs.


Production of Carbon-14:

  • Carbon-14 is naturally produced through cosmic ray interactions with nitrogen-14. 
  • However, atmospheric nuclear tests from 1955 to 1963 significantly increased carbon-14 levels due to radioactive emissions.


The Bomb Pulse:

  • The “bomb pulse” describes the surge in carbon-14 levels from nuclear testing, which nearly doubled atmospheric concentrations. 
  • This elevated carbon-14 was absorbed by plants, animals, and humans.


Environmental Impact:

  • Excess carbon-14 from nuclear tests has been used to study environmental impacts through analyses of tree rings, marine organisms, and human tissues.


Decline of Carbon-14 Levels:

  • Post-test, carbon-14 levels have declined, accelerated by fossil fuel combustion, complicating future carbon-14 dating.


Radioactive Representation:

  • In 1995, the World Climate Research Program established the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) for climate projections. 
  • While CMIP models are used globally, most haven’t incorporated radiocarbon data. 
  • Only one model, the Community Earth System Model 2, has included radiocarbon, but it underestimated absorption levels compared to recent findings.


About  Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2):

  • It is a comprehensive global climate model developed by the U.S.
  • Key Features
  • Fully Coupled Model: CESM2 integrates the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, and cryosphere for a comprehensive view of climate dynamics.
  • Improvements Over Previous Versions: CESM2 offers significant advancements in science and infrastructure, enhancing accuracy in simulating climate scenarios compared to CESM1.
  • Applications: CESM2 is used to study climate change impacts, forecast future scenarios, and guide policy decisions on climate mitigation and adaptation.
  • Significance: Community Collaboration, i.e. CESM2, is a community model created and maintained with contributions from various researchers and institutions.


Steps taken to decrease radioactive levels:

  • Storage for Decay: Short-lived radioactive isotopes like C-14 can be managed by storing them until their radioactivity decreases to safe levels. 
  • This method involves keeping the materials in a controlled environment until they reach acceptable limits of radioactivity.
  • Waste Segregation: Radioactive waste should be segregated by radioactivity levels to focus management and treatment on high-radioactivity materials, reducing exposure and handling of radioactive substances.
  • Solidification:Liquid waste containing C-14 can be solidified with materials such as cement or polymers. This process immobilises the waste, reducing leaching risks and simplifying handling and storage.
  • Regulatory Compliance:Adhering to national and international regulations for radioactive waste management is essential. This involves following guidelines from organisations like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the safe handling, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials.
  • The Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) 1963 halted atmospheric nuclear testing, stopping the increase of radiocarbon levels.


Partial Test Ban Treaty

  • The Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) is a key arms control agreement signed on August 5, 1963, by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union.
  • Purpose: The treaty sought to ban nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, outer space, and underwater to address concerns over radioactive fallout and its environmental impact.
  • Underground Testing: The treaty allows underground nuclear tests but prohibits those that release radioactive debris beyond the territorial limits of the testing state.
  • Impact:
  • Nuclear Arms Control Precedent: The treaty set a crucial precedent for future arms control agreements, leading to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 1968 and subsequent reduction treaties.
  • Decline in Radioactive Fallout: The treaty led to a significant reduction in atmospheric radioactive particles, enhancing public health and environmental safety.


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