The Study By Manikant Singh

Places in News: Kenya

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Places in News: Kenya
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Places in News: Kenya

Context: Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, leader of a Kenyan doomsday cult, went on trial for terrorism and other charges related to deaths of over 400 followers.


More on News

  •  Mackenzie and his co-accused face multiple charges, including murder, manslaughter, child torture, and cruelty, with deaths occurring from 2020 to 2023. 
  • Over 440 bodies were discovered in the Shakahola forest, some showing signs of strangulation, beating, or organ removal.
  • The case has led to criticism of Kenyan authorities for failing to act on initial reports of starvation and calls for legal reforms to regulate rogue preachers.


About Kenya

  • Location: East Africa
  • Bordered by
      • Ethiopia to the north
      • Somalia to the east
      • Tanzania to the south
      • Uganda and Lake Victoria to the west
      • South Sudan to the northwest
      • It has a coastline along the Indian Ocean.
  • Capital: Nairobi.
  • It is bisected horizontally by the Equator and vertically by longitude 38°. 
  • Major Rivers: Tana, Galana, Nzoia, Yala, Mara, and Nyando rivers.
    • Mount Kenya: The second-highest peak in Africa after Mount Kilimanjaro.
    • Great Rift Valley: Runs through Kenya, featuring diverse terrain and significant archaeological sites.
      • Lake Rudolph is the largest Rift Valley lake in Kenya
    • Lake Victoria: Africa’s largest lake and is a significant reservoir for the Nile. 
    • Currency: Kenyan Shilling (KES).
  • International Relations:
    • Regional Organisations: Member of the African Union (AU), East African Community (EAC), Common Market for Eastern, Southern Africa (COMESA) and United Nations (UN).
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