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Eta Aquarid
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower, which has been active since April 15, will peak on May 5 and 6.
Digging Deeper:
- Eta Aquarid meteor showers originate from the Aquarius constellation.
- It is known for its rapid speed, giving it long, glowing tails that can last up to several minutes.
- It is formed when the Earth passes through the orbital plane of the Halley’s Comet, which takes 76 years to orbit the sun once.
- As per NASA, around 30-40 meteors are visbile in an hour during the peak of the meteor shower in the Southern Hemisphere.
- In the Northern Hemisphere, 10 meteors are visible per hour, due to the radiant’s location , which is the position in the sky from where the meteor shower comes.
Meteor Showers:
- A meteor shower is an astronomical event where several meteors are observed to radiate, or originate from one point in the night sky.
- They come from comets (composed of dust, rocks and ice), which are frozen leftovers from the formation of the solar system. .
- They are visible when Earth passes through the clouds of dust left behind in a comet’s orbital plane.