The Study By Manikant Singh

Organ Transplantation Availability

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Organ Transplantation Availability


At the 77th World Health Assembly, member states approved a draft resolution aimed at enhancing the availability of organ transplants, including human cells and tissues.


World Health Assembly Draft Resolution on Organ Transplantation: Approval and Objectives:

  • Resolution Approval: At the 77th World Health Assembly, member states approved a draft resolution to improve organ transplantation availability, including human cells and tissues.
  • Global Strategy Development: Countries are tasked with developing a global strategy to be presented for adoption in 2026.
  • World Donor Day: The resolution encourages the establishment of a World Donor Day to raise public awareness and donations.
  • Current Challenges:
    • Inequitable Access: Despite progress, access to transplantation remains unequal among member countries, affecting both developing and developed nations.
    • Donation Statistics: According to the Union health ministry, organ donations in India increased from 4,990 in 2013 to 16,041 in 2022, yet the country still fails to meet its kidney transplant demand.


About World Health Assembly:

  • The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO.
  • It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States.
  • It focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board.
  • The main functions include determining the policies of the Organisation, appointing the Director-General, supervising financial policies, and reviewing and approving the proposed program budget.
  • The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.


Guiding Principles and Recommendations:

  • WHO Guiding Principles: The draft urges member states to increase the availability of human cells, tissues, and organs for transplantation, emphasising the development of deceased donations to their full therapeutic potential.
  • Neurological and Circulatory Determination of Death: Encourages donations after the neurological and, where appropriate, circulatory determination of death.
  • Integration into Healthcare Systems: Member states are committed to integrating organ transplantation into healthcare systems and routinely considering deceased donations.
  • Preventing Exploitation: Pledged to prevent the exploitation of living donors with adequate follow-up.


Implementation and Expert Committee:

  • Expert Committee: The resolution calls for the establishment of an expert committee under the Regulations for Expert Advisory Panels and Committees to assist in developing and implementing the proposed global strategy.
  • Global Transplant Statistics: WHO reports more than 150,000 solid organ transplants annually worldwide, fulfilling less than 10% of global needs and marking a 52% increase since 2010.


Impact of COVID-19 and Trafficking Concerns:

  • COVID-19 Pandemic Impact: The pandemic had a profound negative effect on donation and transplantation activities, highlighting the need to strengthen healthcare system resilience.
  • Trafficking Risks: Insufficient access to transplantation therapies contributes to trafficking in persons for organ removal and trafficking in human organs, undermining human rights and public health.


International Cooperation:

  • Exchange and Solidarity: Urges member states to establish international cooperation for the exchange of human cells, tissues, organs, or transplant services, based on reciprocity and solidarity, to facilitate universal access to transplantation therapies.
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