The Study By Manikant Singh

Breakthrough in Diabetic Nephropathy Treatment

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Breakthrough in Diabetic Nephropathy Treatment


Researchers have discovered the potential of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZON) to significantly enhance kidney function and combat diabetic nephropathy (DN), a severe complication of prolonged diabetes mellitus


More on News:

  • This promising discovery could pave the way for new therapeutic approaches in managing diabetes-related kidney issues.
  • The study proposed a probable mechanism through which ZON prevents DN, including its effects on cultured podocytes in vitro.


Diabetic Nephropathy 

  • DN is a common and severe complication affecting 20-50% of patients with type-I diabetes
  • Characterised by a progressive decline in renal function, DN can ultimately lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). 
  • The condition is exacerbated by prolonged high blood sugar levels, which induce oxidative stress and activate inflammatory molecules in the kidneys.


Key Highlights:

  • Research highlights a crucial link between zinc deficiency and DN
  • Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZON) have emerged as a potential therapeutic agent due to their ability to act as a reservoir for the sustained release of bioavailable zinc ions.
  • Studies on Wistar rats with DN demonstrated that ZON treatment significantly improved renal function compared to insulin treatment.
  • ZON protects against high blood sugar-induced inflammatory cell death.
  • ZON treatment preserved essential proteins necessary for kidney function.



  • ZON could serve as a complementary therapeutic agent for treating diabetic complications. Further research is needed to translate these findings into clinical practice.
  • The potential of ZON offers hope for improved management and prevention of DN, potentially enhancing the quality of life for diabetic patients.
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