The Study By Manikant Singh

Tropical Forests Adjust Strategies

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Tropical Forests Adjust Strategies


Tropical forests, storing a third of global carbon in their wood and soils, face an uncertain future as a carbon sink due to concerns about nutrient-poor soils potentially hindering the growth of mature and recovering forests.

Tropical Forests as Carbon Sinks:

  • Tropical forests store one-third of the world’s carbon in their wood and soils.
  • Uncertainty existed about their ability to thrive due to nutrient-poor soils.

Hopeful Findings:

  • Study in New Phytologist suggests flexible nutrient acquisition strategies in forests.
  • Higher atmospheric CO2 could boost tropical forest growth.
  • Concerns about phosphorus scarcity limiting forest growth.
  • Trees use phosphatase enzyme and mycorrhizal fungi to access phosphorus.
  • Strategies involve significant carbon and nitrogen costs.

Study Parameters:

  • Conducted in Panama’s lowland tropical wet forest.
  • Covered 76 plots across 16 square kilometres, ranging from pastures to 600-year-old forests.
  • Plots fertilised with nitrogen, phosphorus, or both.


Nutrient Response in Forests:

  • Variable Responses
    • Younger forests: Nitrogen addition increased phosphatase activity.
    • Older forests: Phosphorus addition increased phosphatase activity.
  • Phosphatase Flexibility:
    • Phosphatase activity increased with nitrogen and decreased with phosphorus.
    • Mycorrhizal responses were less predictable.
    • Activity of phosphatase and mycorrhizal fungi measured over a year.


Implications for Climate Solutions:

  • Encouraging Results:
    • Flexibility in nutrient acquisition strategies shows trees actively respond to nutrient availability.
    • Potential buffering capacity to alleviate future nutrient limitations.
  • Cautions:
    • Uncertainty if flexibility will suffice for all future nutrient needs.
    • Phosphatase’s reliance on potentially scarce phosphorus could limit its effectiveness.
  • Resilience: The ability to adjust strategies suggests forests may maintain productivity and recover from land-use changes in a carbon-rich world.


Recommendations for Reforestation:

  • Nutrient Considerations:
    • Importance of considering nutrient limitations in reforestation efforts.
    • Use diverse tree species with various phosphorus acquisition strategies.
    • Use species adapted to local phosphorus levels.
  • Optimism for Forests as Climate Solutions
    • Forests offer immediate, low-cost climate solutions with co-benefits like watershed protection and biodiversity enhancement.
    • Science can guide proper implementation to ensure long-term carbon sequestration.
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