The Study By Manikant Singh

Gardi Sugdub submergence

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Gardi Sugdub submergence


Panama is relocating Gardi Sugdub island residents due to escalating climate threats.

More on News:

  • Gardi Sugdub is an island in the San Blas Archipelago in the Guna Yala province of Panama.
  • Due to rising water levels, Saltwater intrusion, and frequent floods roughly 300 Guna families are confronting the challenges of climate change.
  • An estimated 63 communities along Panama’s Pacific and Caribbean coasts will face a similar fate in the coming decades.

Gardi Sugdub island

The reasons for the submergence of the island in Panama are:

  • Low Elevation: Many Caribbean islands are low-lying, with average elevations below 10 meters (33 feet) above sea level. 
    • This makes them highly susceptible to flooding and erosion due to sea-level rise.
  • Rising Sea Levels: The island is experiencing rising sea levels due to climate change, which is causing the water to flood the island more frequently and for longer periods.
    • A study found that over 3100 km2 of Caribbean coastal land will be lost due to sea-level rise from 1.5°C of warming.
  • Increased Storm Frequency and Intensity: The Caribbean is prone to hurricanes and tropical storms, which can exacerbate the impacts of sea-level rise.
    • Rising sea levels can lead to more frequent and intense flooding, further increasing the vulnerability of coastal communities.
  • Increased Flood Risk: The IPCC warns that flood risk will increase significantly in the Caribbean due to sea-level rise. 
  • By 2050, flood risk is expected to double, and by 2100, it could increase by up to 10 times.

future sea level rise.

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