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Four Indian students studying in Veliky Novgorod, Russia, drowned in the Volkhov River.
About Volkhov river
- Location: Volkhov River is situated in northwestern Russia.
- Origin: It is the major outlet for Lake Ilmen.
- It is the second largest tributary of Lake Ladoga.
- It has several smaller rivers that flow into it.
- These include the Vishera, which joins the Maly Volkhovets armlet on the right side.
- The Kerest, Oskuya, Pchyovzha, Tigoda, Chyornaya, Vloya, and Olomna, which flow in from different directions.
- Length: The river spans 139 miles (224 km).
- Drainage Basin: Drains a basin of 31,000 square miles (80,200 square km).
- Freezing: The river is frozen from mid-November to mid-April.
- Hydroelectric Station: At the town of Volkhov, the first hydroelectric station in the Soviet Union was built in 1926.
- Historical Significance: In early times, it was part of the important Baltic Sea–Black Sea trade route.