The Study By Manikant Singh

Places in News: Sahel

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Places in News: Sahel


In a troubling development, a new front between Russia and Ukraine appears to have emerged in the Sahel region of Africa.



About Sahel

Location & Geography:

    • The Sahel region, derived from the Arabic word for ‘coast’ or ‘shore,’ is a biogeographical zone in Africa.
    • It is a transition area between the humid Sudanian savannas to the south and the drier Sahara desert to the north.
    • The Sahel stretches across the southernmost latitudes of North Africa, from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Red Sea in the east. It spans 5,900 km (3,670 mi) and covers about 3,053,200 square kilometers (1,178,850 sq mi).



      • Niger River: It flows through several countries, including Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria.
      • Senegal River: The Senegal River is another significant river in the Sahel, flowing through Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali.
      • Chari-Baguirmi River: This river flows through Chad and the Central African Republic.



      • Aïr Mountains: The Aïr Mountains are a mountain range located in Niger. They are the highest mountains in the Sahel region.
      • Tibesti Mountains: The Tibesti Mountains are a volcanic mountain range located in Chad. They are the highest mountains in the Sahara Desert.


Local Winds:

      • Harmattan: This dry, dusty wind blows from the Sahara Desert southward into the Sahel. It typically occurs during the dry season, from November to March, and can bring significant dust storms and high temperatures.
      • Monsoon: The Sahel receives a short monsoon season from June to September, bringing rainfall from the Atlantic Ocean. This monsoon wind is crucial for agriculture and water resources in the region.
      • Burkut: A hot, dry wind that blows from the east during the dry season. It can contribute to high temperatures and low humidity.
      • Gibli: A hot, dry wind that blows from the south during the dry season. It can bring strong winds and dust storms.



      • The Sahel experiences a hot semi-arid climate with a long, dry season and a short, irregular rainy season.
      • Annual rainfall varies from around 100–200 mm (4–8 in) in the north to 700–1,000 mm (28–39 in) in the south.
      • The region has high temperatures year-round, with summer highs between 36–42 °C (97–108 °F) and winter lows between 15–21 °C (59–70 °F).
      • Sunshine duration is very high, with up to 3,600 hours of sunlight annually, comparable to desert conditions.


Ecology & Environment:

      • The Sahel’s landscape includes grasslands, savannas, woodlands, and shrublands, with Acacia trees being the most prominent species.
      • Grass cover is continuous, with dominant species like Cenchrus biflorus and Schoenefeldia gracilis.


Protected Areas: 

      • Protected area in the Sahel region include the Ferlo Nord Wildlife Reserve in Senegal, the Sylvo-Pastoral and Partial Faunal Reserve of the Sahel in Burkina Faso, the Ansonga-Ménake Faunal Reserve in Mali, the Tadres Reserve in Niger, and Waza National Park in Cameroon.
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