The Study By Manikant Singh

Discovery of Potentially Regenerative Stem Cells in Sea Anemones

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Discovery of Potentially Regenerative Stem Cells in Sea Anemones


Scientists at the University of Vienna have identified potentially regenerative stem cells in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis


what is stem cell

More on News:

  • This discovery, led by developmental biologist Ulrich Technau, sheds light on the ancient and highly conserved genes that regulate these stem cells, offering new insights into cellular regeneration and ageing.
  • Unlike most vertebrates that can regenerate only certain organs or limbs, Nematostella vectensis demonstrates a higher degree of regeneration, potentially due to its multipotent stem cells.


Stem Cell

  • They are crucial for tissue renewal and repair in humans, contributing to the maintenance of blood cells, skin, and hair. The loss of stem cell function is associated with ageing and various diseases.
  • Types: The “pluripotent” stem cells (embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells) and non-embryonic or somatic stem cells (commonly called “adult” stem cells).
  • Applications: Regenerative medicine, treating diseases like Parkinson’s, diabetes, and spinal cord injuries.
  • Stem Cell Therapy: Aims to replace damaged or diseased cells. The process involves isolating stem cells, growing them in a lab, and then introducing them into the patient’s body
  • Challenges include ethical concerns, the potential for tumour formation, and a limited number of clinical trials.



Key Highlights:

  • The researchers employed “Single Cell Genomics” to analyse the transcriptome profiles of cells in Nematostella vectensis
  • The study revealed a large population of cells in the sea anemone that can differentiate into various cell types, such as nerve and glandular cells
  • These cells are considered candidates for multipotent stem cells.
  • The identified stem cells express evolutionarily conserved genes, notably Nanos and piwi, crucial for germ cell development (sperm and egg cells) across many animal species, including humans.
  • Using CRISPR gene editing, they demonstrated that the nanos2 gene is essential for the formation of germ cells in sea anemones
  • This gene has been preserved for approximately 600 million years, underscoring its ancient evolutionary significance.
  • A laser scanning microscope image from the study shows the stem cells in Nematostella vectensis
  • Red fluorescence (Nanos2) marks the potential stem cells, while white (DAPI) indicates all cell nuclei and yellow (EdU) highlights cells actively engaged in DNA synthesis, such as some stem cells.



  • Nematostella vectensis exhibits remarkable regenerative abilities, including asexual reproduction by budding and an absence of visible ageing, making it an ideal model for studying stem cell biology and regenerative processes.
  • As understanding the mechanisms behind the sea anemone’s regenerative prowess could inform approaches to enhancing human tissue repair and longevity.


Regulations in India:

  • In March 2019, the Union Health Ministry introduced the ‘New Drugs and Clinical Trial Rules, 2019,’ which classify stem-cell-derived products as “new drugs.” 
  • Consequently, any doctor wishing to administer stem-cell therapy must obtain permission from the government.

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