The Study By Manikant Singh

Species in News: lynxes, Bears, and Wolves

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Species in News: lynxes, Bears, and Wolves


The reintroduction of lynxes, bears, and wolves to Britain and Ireland is expected to be challenging, with both farmers and rewilding proponents acknowledging the complexity due to various political, economic, social, legal, and environmental factors.


About Bear:

  • Scientific Classification
    • Kingdom: Animalia
    • Phylum: Chordata
    • Class: Mammalia
    • Order: Carnivora
    • Family: Ursidae
    • Genus: Ursus

types of bear.

  • Species Count: Eight species found.
    • Asiatic Black Bear, Brown Bear, North American Black Bear, Polar Bear, Spectacled Bear, Panda Bear, Sloth Bear, Sun Bear.
  • Habitat including Arctic tundra, polar ice floes, tropical and temperate forests, mountains, grasslands, and deserts. 
  • Geographic Distribution:
    • Mainly found in northern temperate regions.
    • Polar bears roam sea ice far from shore.
    • Spectacled bear is the only species living south of the Equator in South America’s Andes Mountains.
    • No bears in Antarctica and Australia.
  • Size Range: Smallest: Sun bear, Largest: Kodiak bear or polar bear .
  • Notable Species:
    • Black bear (Ursus americanus): Common in the US and Canada.
    • Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): Eats only bamboo, found in China.
  • Omnivorous Diet: Varies from carnivorous polar bears (seals) to herbivorous spectacled bears (vegetation).
  • Movement: Surprisingly fast and agile climbers/swimmers despite their bulk.
  • Senses: Poor sight and hearing; rely on smell for hunting.
  • Communication: Generally quiet; growls when feeding, challenged, or competing for mates.
  • Winter Sleep: Most bears sleep fitfully through winter, not true hibernation.
  • Mating: Solitary except during mating season; males leave after mating.


Wolves: Overview: 

    • Wolves (Canis lupus) are members of the Canidae family.
    • Found across the Northern Hemisphere, in Europe, Asia, and North America.
    • Often referred to as grey wolves.
    • Many recognized subspecies, each with a unique name and habitat.
      • Examples of subspecies: Arctic wolf, Arabian wolf, and Iberian wolf.

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

  • About Gray Wolf (Canis lupus):
  • Common Name: Gray Wolf
    Scientific Name: Canis lupus
    Type: Mammals
    Diet: Carnivore
    Average LifeSpan in the Wild: 6 to 8 years
    • Habitat: Largest taiga forest, adaptable to various environments except tropical forests and arid deserts.
    • Distribution: Once extensive across North America, Europe, and Asia; now limited but recovering in some areas.
    • Domestication: First domesticated in northern Eurasia 14,000-29,000 years ago, leading to dogs (C. lupus familiaris).
    • Historical Perception: Admired by early human societies; later viewed as evil, dangerous, and competitors for big game.
  • Communication
    • Submission: Crouching, whimpering, tail tucking, licking another wolf’s mouth, rolling over.
    • Challenge: Growling, ears laid back.
    • Playfulness: Dancing, bowing.
    • Barking: Used as a warning.
    • Howling: Long-distance communication to reunite pack members and keep strangers away.
    • Growling: Signals challenge or threat.
    • Scent Marking: Marks territory to communicate presence and boundaries.
    • A wolf’s sense of smell is 100 times stronger than a human’s. 
    • Pack Behavior
      • Wolves live in packs typically consisting typically 4-9 members, can range from 2 to 15, occasionally up to 30, including a mom, dad, and their offspring.
      • Alpha Pair: Dominant male and female, the only ones to breed.
      • Cooperation: Wolves work together to hunt, raise their young, and protect their territory.
        • Each member of the pack has specific roles, such as hunting, caring for the pups, and defending the territory.

Subspecies of Canis lupus Found in India:

  • Indian Gray Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes): Spread across peninsular India.
    • Found in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh.
  • Himalayan Wolf or Tibetan Wolf (Canis lupus chanco): Roams wastelands of the upper-trans Himalayan range.
    • Found in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu, Kashmir, Uttarakhand, and Sikkim


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