The Study By Manikant Singh

Chera Dynasty

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Chera Dynasty


The Chera dynasty is in the news due to Kerala’s resolution renaming the state as “Kearalam,” echoing historical “Keralaputra” significance.


Chera Dynasty:

  • The Chera dynasty ruled parts of present-day Kerala and Tamil Nadu from around the 4th century BCE to the 12th century CE.
  • They were prominent in maritime trade with the Roman Empire and others, and known for patronising arts, literature, and architecture.

Chera dynasty is in the news,"Kearalam," echoing historical "Keralaputra"

Early Period and Important Rulers

  • Uthiyan Cheralathan: The founder in the 3rd century BCE, known for military conquests and kingdom expansion.
  • Nedum Cheralathan: Ruled in the 1st century BCE, patronised arts and built the Kodungallur temple.
  • Kulashekhara Varman: Ruled in the 9th century CE, known for cultural patronage and building of Thiruvanchikulam temple.


Administration and Society

  • Decentralised administration with local chieftains governing regions under the king’s authority.
  • Taxation system funded military campaigns and infrastructure development.
  • Matrilineal society with high status for women; religious tolerance towards Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.


Cultural Contributions

  • Patronage of Tamil language and literature, highlighted by Sangam literature.
  • Significant contributions to music, dance, and architectural feats like the Sabarimala temple.
  • Dravidian-style temples with pyramid-shaped gopurams and intricate carvings.


Economic Activities:

  • Primarily based on maritime trade with the Roman Empire and other regions.
  • Exported spices, textiles, precious stones, and steel; imported ivory, pearls, and other luxury goods.
  • Advanced agricultural practices supported by irrigation systems.


Literary and Artistic Achievements:

  • Known for literary works such as Silappadikaram, Manimekalai, and Thirukkural.
  • Artistic achievements include temple architecture, murals, and frescoes depicting religious themes.


Decline and Legacy:

  • Internal conflicts, invasions by other dynasties like the Cholas, and emergence of new regional powers led to decline by the 12th century.
  • Legacy includes shaping the cultural, religious, and economic landscape of southern India.
  • The Chera dynasty’s contributions continue to influence South Indian history and heritage.


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