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Antariksha Abhyas – 2024
The Defence Space Agency (DSA) under the Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (HQ IDS) has launched the first-ever space exercise, titled “Antariksha Abhyas – 2024”, in New Delhi.
Overview of the Exercise:
- Name: Antariksha Abhyas – 2024
- Duration: November 11-13, 2024 (3 days)
- Organiser: Defence Space Agency, Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff
- Purpose: War-gaming to address growing threats to and from space-based assets and services, enhancing India’s national strategic objectives in space.
- Enhanced Understanding: To deepen understanding of space-based assets and services and the operational dependencies of various stakeholders on space.
- Vulnerability Assessment: Identify vulnerabilities in military operations that depend on space-based services, especially in scenarios where these services are disrupted or denied.
- Integration of Capabilities: Integrate India’s space capabilities into military operations, securing the nation’s strategic interests in space.
Focus Areas:
- Understanding Space-based Assets: Gaining a deeper understanding of the operational dependencies on space and how disruptions in space services can affect military and strategic operations.
- Vulnerabilities in Space Operations: Identifying potential vulnerabilities, such as threats from anti-satellite weapons, cyber-attacks, and the challenges of maintaining operational continuity in the event of space service disruptions.
- Collaboration across Defence and Space Sectors: Fostering greater cooperation between various defence agencies (Army, Navy, Air Force) and key institutions like ISRO, DRDO, and the Defence Cyber Agency to safeguard India’s space capabilities.
- Strategic Use of Space in Military Operations: Exploring how India can leverage space-based technologies in military scenarios and operational planning while safeguarding these assets from external threats.
Strategic Importance:
- The exercise reflects the growing importance of space in modern warfare, particularly with increasing reliance on space-based assets for communication, navigation, surveillance, and intelligence.
- The exercise underscores India’s efforts to protect its strategic interests in space while also preparing for potential disruptions or adversarial threats to its space capabilities.