Current Affairs

Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Context: Recent reports indicate a concerning trend in global carbon dioxide emissions, with projections showing an increase of 0.8% in...

RBI Directive on Reclassifying Excess FPI Stake as FDI

Context: In an effort to encourage more foreign investment, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed Foreign Portfolio Investors...

Healthy Longevity and NCDs

Context: The World Bank’s recent report, Unlocking the Power of Healthy Longevity: Demographic Change, Non-communicable Diseases, and Human Capital (2024),...

Adaptive Defence: India’s Strategy for Navigating Emerging Security Challenges

Context: India is strengthening its military strategies with a focus on ‘Adaptive Defence’ to address evolving security challenges. Raksha Mantri...

Conference of the Parties (COP16)

Context: The 16th meeting of the COP16 to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity recently concluded in Cali, Colombia. More...

AMU and Minority Status

Context: On November 8, 2024, the Supreme Court delivered a 4-3 majority verdict overturning its 1967 decision in S. Azeez...

Antariksha Abhyas – 2024

Context: The Defence Space Agency (DSA) under the Headquarters Integrated Defence Staff (HQ IDS) has launched the first-ever space exercise,...

Avian Conservation, Protection, and Diversity in Indian Cities

Context: Rapid urbanisation and habitat loss have led to a significant decline in bird populations in Indian cities, necessitating concerted...

The Case for a G20 Development Bank to Achieve the SDGs

Context: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the first global effort to set shared development goals for all countries and...

Plastic-Eating Insect Discovery in Kenya

Context: A team from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology in Kenya has discovered plastic-degrading abilities in the...

A New Fire-Resilient, Dual-Blooming Species of Dicliptera

Context: A new species of fire-resilient, dual-blooming plant has been discovered in the Western Ghats, a region known for its...

International Cyber Incidents: On the Question of Public Attribution

Context: India has not yet publicly attributed cyber incidents to specific private actors or nation-states. To enhance national security, a...

Reaping India’s Demographic Dividend through jobs in Manufacturing 

Context: Since economic reforms, there’s been a lot of excitement about the Demographic dividend  potential. But many now assume it...

Gender Responsive Climate Financing (GRCF)

Context: Climate financing is critical to addressing the climate crisis, but current systems are inefficient and fail to maximise social...

National Education Day

Context: Every year, National Education Day is celebrated on November 11, in honour of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the first...