The Study By Manikant Singh

Global Gender Gap Report 2024

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Global Gender Gap Report 2024


India’s poor ranking in the Global Gender Gap Report 2024 reveals that gender disparities persist despite efforts for equality.

More in News: 

  • India has slipped to 129th place in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap index, down from 127th last year
  • Iceland retains the top position globally, followed by Finland, Norway, New Zealand, and Sweden.
  • Among South Asian countries, India ranks fifth, trailing Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan. 
  • Pakistan is ranked last globally at 145th place


About the Global Gender Gap Report: 

  • The Global Gender Gap Report is an annual assessment by the World Economic Forum since 2006. 
  • It measures gender parity across four key dimensions: economic opportunities, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment
  • The report aims to track progress towards gender equality globally, regionally, and within economies.

world urban centers and global statistics.

Key Findings of the Report: 

  1. India’s Overall Ranking: India ranks 129th out of 146 economies assessed in 2024, showing a slight decline compared to previous editions.
  2. Performance by Dimension:
    • Educational Attainment: India ranks 112th, with persistent gaps in literacy rates despite high enrolment.
    • Economic Participation and Opportunity: India ranks 142nd, reflecting challenges in women’s workforce participation and income parity.
    • Health and Survival: India ranks 142nd , indicating disparities in health outcomes.
    • Political Empowerment: The country scores 65th globally in women’s political empowerment. India ranks 10th in gender parity concerning years with female/male heads of state over the last 50 years.
  3. Comparison with Other South Asian Countries
  • India performs worse than Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan in gender equality metrics.



  • India’s low ranking underscores significant challenges in achieving gender equality across various sectors. 
  • Despite initiatives and policy interventions, gaps remain pronounced in educational attainment, economic opportunities, health outcomes, and political representation. 
  • The report underscores the need for targeted efforts to bridge these gaps and enhance gender parity in India.


Way forward: 

While some progress has been made in closing gender gaps in economic participation since 2012, substantial improvements are still needed in legislative roles, income parity, and labour-force participation.

World Economic Forum (WEF):

  • International organisation founded in 1971.
  • Based in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Engages political, business, academic, and other leaders to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.
  • Known for its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
  • Focuses on public-private cooperation, global governance, and social impact initiatives.

Reports Published by WEF:

  • Global Competitiveness Report: Assesses the competitiveness landscape of economies.
  • Global Gender Gap Report: Measures gender-based disparities across various indicators.
  • Global Risks Report: Identifies global risks and their interconnections.
  • Global Information Technology Report: Assesses ICT readiness and usage.
  • Global Human Capital Report: Measures countries’ ability to develop and deploy a healthy, educated, and skilled labour force.
  • Global Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report: Evaluates travel and tourism sectors.
  • Global Enabling Trade Report: Assesses the extent to which economies enable trade.
  • Global Social Mobility Report: Measures the extent to which children can expect to have better lives than their parents.


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