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HIV Detection Technology
Researchers have developed a novel diagnostic technology for detecting HIV using G-Quadruplex (GQ) structures, a four-stranded DNA conformation specific to the HIV genome.
- This fluorometric test offers increased reliability in HIV detection by reducing false positives, a common problem in existing diagnostic methods.
Challenges in Current HIV Diagnostics::
- Existing HIV diagnostics may miss early infections and are prone to false positives due to cross-reactivity or nonspecific binding with general DNA sensing probes.
- Nucleic acid-based diagnostics often have false positives due to nonspecific amplification and poor differentiation between target and non-target sequences.
The GQ-RCP Platform:
- The GQ-RCP (GQ Topology-Targeted Reliable Conformational Polymorphism) platform was developed by researchers at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), India.
- This technology was initially designed for detecting SARS-CoV-2 but has been successfully adapted for HIV detection.
- It focuses on detecting HIV-derived GQ DNA, targeting a specific 176-nucleotide genomic segment of the HIV genome.
Key Features and Advantages:
- The platform uses a pH-mediated, single-step transition that converts double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) into the GQ conformation, making it easier to detect HIV-specific sequences.
- The method uses a benzobisthiazole-based fluorescent probe (TGS64) to selectively recognise and quantify GQ structures, ensuring high selectivity.
- Unlike other diagnostics, this platform introduces a novel approach based on nucleic acid-small molecule interactions, offering more specific recognition of target sequences.
Impact on False Positives:
- The GQ-RCP platform addresses the challenge of false positives in existing amplification-based techniques by targeting the noncanonical GQ conformation, which is unique to HIV.
- This specificity helps achieve unambiguous detection and avoids the misidentification of nonspecific amplification.
Future Implications:
- This diagnostic platform is versatile and can be adapted for detecting a wide range of DNA/RNA-based pathogens, including other bacteria and viruses.
- It offers a more reliable and accurate detection method that can be integrated into existing nucleic acid-based diagnostic systems.