The Study By Manikant Singh

India Press Freedom

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India Press Freedom

Context :

India ranks at 159 among 180 countries in the World Press Freedom Index, 2024.


More on News :  


  • India’s score fell to 31.28 from 36.62 over 2023..
  • Norway and Denmark topped the index.
  • India is ranked behind Turkey, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, which are ranked at positions 158, 152, and 150, respectively.


World Press Freedom Index : 


  • Ranks countries according to the level of Freedom enjoyed by Journalists.
  • Released By Reporters Without Borders.
  • Index covers 5 categories : 
      • Political Context
      • Legal Framework
      • Economic Context
      • Socio cultural context.
      • Security


Role of Press Freedom : 


  • Pillar of democracy: Reinforces democracy, empowers citizens by ensuring accountability and gives space for discussion 
  • Improves Governance: Media keeps citizens engaged in governance by informing, educating and mobilising them. E.g Anna Hazare movement for the Lokpal bill got wide coverage.
  • Giving Free and unbiased news: Media acts  as a platform for diverse voices and viewpoints, with media holding the moral duty of “tell the truth and nothing but the truth”.
  • Voice of poor people: Makes bureaucracy and government come into action.E.g.- Arrangements for travelling during the Covid-19 pandemic to return to one’s hometown. 
  • Brings out uncovered truth: Various incidents like 1991 hit and run case Delhi, Muzaffarpur shelter home sexual assault case 2018 where media bring out actual reality.
  • Disseminating Information: Provides current happenings, Make citizens informed E.g – During covid 19 media plays a critical role, “Do Boond Zindagi Ki”- polio Campaign.


Challenges to press freedom : 


  • Legal restrictions : Legal instruments like Information Technology (Amendment) Rules, 2021, bodies like Fact Check Units, Turkey’s Misinformation law restricts press freedom.
  • Ownership by Business Conglomerates : restricts pluralism opinions.
  • Rising Violence against Journalists : According to UNESCO, 117 journalists were killed in 2020-2021. Also, threats, physical intimidation faced by journalists covering mining, environmental issues are on rise.
  • Defamation and lawsuits: Lawsuits and political pressures result in Mentally harassed journalists, who restrain themselves from presenting news, thus, giving a chilling effect.
  • Rise in Yellow Journalism: Partisan agendas, Fake news to attract readers and make sensational headlines.
  • Rise in Totalitarianism : Media becomes more controlled and binds not to present news against the government, thus generating narratives converting “classes into masses”.

International Convention on the Safety and Independence of Journalists and Other Media Professionals aims to protect freedom of opinion and expression and acknowledge work of a free, independent and impartial press for a healthy democratic society.


Way Forward:


India should learn from countries like Poland and Bulgaria which improved ranking through strengthening  its right to information and Germany which through vigilance reduced attacks on journalists.

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