The Study By Manikant Singh

Places in News: Lebanon

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Places in News: Lebanon


Pager explosion in Lebanon.




  • It lies along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, bordered by Syria to the north and east, and Israel to the south
  • Lebanon is characterised by a diverse topography that includes:
      • Coastal Plain: The narrow coastal strip along the Mediterranean Sea is home to most of Lebanon’s urban population and agricultural activities. It features sandy bays and rocky beaches formed from marine sediments and river-deposited alluvium.
      • Mount Lebanon Range: This prominent mountain range runs parallel to the coast for about 195 kilometers (120 miles) and includes Lebanon’s highest peak, Qurnat as Sawda’, which reaches an elevation of 3,088 meters (10,131 feet). The mountains are steep and carved by deep gorges.
      • Beqaa Valley: Situated between the Lebanon Mountains to the west and the Anti-Lebanon Mountains to the east, this fertile valley is part of the Great Rift Valley system. It is approximately 180 kilometers (112 miles) long and serves as a major agricultural area.
      • Anti-Lebanon Mountains: These mountains run parallel to the Lebanon Mountains on the eastern border with Syria, with Mount Hermon being one of its highest points at 2,814 meters (9,232 feet) .


Flora, Fauna, and Vegetation:

Lebanon’s Mediterranean climate features hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, which supports a rich diversity of flora and fauna.



The vegetation in Lebanon includes:

  • Coniferous Forests: Predominantly found in mountainous regions, these forests consist mainly of cedar trees (Cedrus libani), which are emblematic of Lebanon.
  • Deciduous Trees: Oak trees are common in lower elevations, while various shrubs and herbs flourish in lower altitudes.
  • Agricultural Lands: The Beqaa Valley is known for its fertile soil, supporting crops such as grapes, olives, fruits (like citrus), and vegetables .



Lebanon hosts a variety of wildlife due to its diverse habitats:

  • Mammals: Species such as wolves, foxes, wild boars, and various rodents inhabit different regions.
  • Birds: Lebanon is a crucial stopover for migratory birds traveling between Europe and Africa. Birdwatching is popular due to the diversity of species present.
  • Reptiles and Amphibians: Various species can be found in different ecosystems across the country.


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