The Study By Manikant Singh

Rise of Maize Production in India

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Rise of Maize Production in India


Maize production in India tripled from 11.5 million tonnes in 1999-2000 to over 35 million tonnes in 2023-24. Average per-hectare yields increased from 1.8 to 3.3 tonnes.

Maize: A Shift from Feed to Fuel: 

  • The Green Revolution in maize transformed the agricultural landscape in India, making it a major contributor to the country’s food and fuel security.
  • Food Consumption: Only about 20% of India’s maize production is used directly for human consumption. 
  • Rest is used as feed for poultry/livestock, indirectly contributing to food consumption.
  • Feed for Livestock: An estimated 60% goes as feed for poultry birds and livestock


All India Maize Production


Industrial Uses

  • Maize grains contain 68-72% starch, essential for various industries.Starch Production: 14-15% of maize utilisation goes towards starch production. 
    • Starch has various applications in the textile, paper, pharmaceutical, food, and beverage industries.
  • Ethanol Production: Maize is emerging as a feedstock for ethanol production
    • Maize starch is a mixture of amylose & amylopectin, the new waxy maize hybrid has 93.9% amylopectin, making it best suited for ethanol production.


Innovations, Research and Development in Maize:

  • Waxy Maize Hybrid: Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) developed a waxy maize hybrid with high amylopectin starch content, more suitable for ethanol production. 
    • It has an average grain yield of 7.3 tonnes per hectare and potential yields of up to 8.8 tonnes.
  • CIMMYT’s Doubled Haploid (DH) Facility: CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center) established a maize DH facility in Karnataka
    • It produces 100% homozygous and genetically pure inbred lines of maize. 
    • This technology speeds up the development of pure maize varieties and enhances the overall maize breeding process.


Corn Diagram



Maize: The Queen of Cereals

  • Optimal Growing Conditions:
      • Temperature: 21-27°C
      • Rainfall: 500-800 mm.   
      • Soil Type: Old alluvial soil, pH should be between 6.5 to 7.5
      • Maize cannot withstand frost at any stage and is very sensitive to water logging.
  • It contributes 39% to global grain production.
    • The USA is the largest producer, contributing nearly 36% of global maize production.
  • It is a staple food, quality animal feed & raw material in various industries, including: 
    • Starch, protein, alcoholic beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, paper, etc.
  • It is grown year-round in India, predominantly as a Kharif crop (85% of the area).
  • It is India’s third most important cereal after rice and wheat, contributing around 10% of total food grain production.
  • Major wheat-growing states in India: Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.
  • Major export destinations: Bangladesh, Vietnam, Nepal, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka.


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