The Study By Manikant Singh

Scientists Unveil Earth’s Elusive Global Electric Field

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Scientists Unveil Earth’s Elusive Global Electric Field


An international team of scientists has confirmed the existence of a global electric field on Earth, known as the ambipolar electric field


More on News:

  • The ambipolar electric field, a weak but fundamental electric field on Earth, is as crucial as gravity and magnetic fields.
  • The field was measured using NASA’s Endurance suborbital rocket.
    • The rocket was launched from Svalbard, Norway, on May 11, 2022, and reached an altitude of 477.23 miles (768.03 kilometres), with data collected over a 322-mile range before landing in the Greenland Sea.

The Ambipolar Electric Field

  • The field theorised in the 1960s, believed to drive the “polar wind,” a continuous flow of charged particles escaping into space above Earth’s poles.
  • It begins at an altitude of approximately 150 miles (250 kilometres), where atmospheric atoms ionise into negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions.
  • It operates in both directions: it helps lift ions to higher altitudes while simultaneously pulling electrons downward
    • This bidirectional effect balances the forces of gravity and electrostatic attraction, effectively extending the atmosphere’s height and facilitating the escape of particles into space.
  • The field acts like a conveyor belt, lifting the atmosphere upwards and shaping its dynamics
  • The successful measurement of this field provides new insights into how our atmosphere evolves and offers clues about atmospheric processes on other planets.

Key Highlights:

  • The Endurance rocket measured a change in electric potential of 0.55 volts.
  • This field strength is sufficient to explain the observed polar wind phenomena.
  • The ambipolar field exerts an outward force on hydrogen ions 10.6 times stronger than gravity, allowing them to escape into space at supersonic speeds.
  • The ambipolar field increases the “scale height” of the ionosphere by 271%, meaning the ionosphere remains denser at higher altitudes than without this field.



  • The discovery helps us understand Earth’s atmospheric history and could be applied to study other planets and their atmospheres, such as Venus and Mars.
  • Any planet with an atmosphere is expected to have an ambipolar field, which can shape atmospheric dynamics over time.
  • The Endurance mission’s findings open new avenues for exploring how such fields influence atmospheric evolution on Earth and other planets.
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