The Study By Manikant Singh


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New vestiges of the first life on Earth discovered in Saudi Arabia.


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A researcher discovered living stromatolites on Sheybarah Island in Saudi Arabia (located on the northeastern shelf of the Red Sea).


Exuma Islands in the Bahamas for Proterozoic stromatolites

Key Highlights

  • Sheybarah Island is an intertidal-to-shallow subtidal setting with alternating wetting and drying conditions, extreme temperature swings, and oligotrophic (low-nutrient conditions).
      • Like the Exuma Islands in the Bahamas, the only known modern analogue for ancient Proterozoic stromatolites.
  • Significance:
    • The discovery provides a fresh perspective on Earth’s ancient history, demonstrating life’s resilience and adaptation over billions of years.
    • Sheybarah Island’s stromatolites offer a glimpse into the past, allowing scientists to study these ancient life forms in their natural habitat.
    • The discovery challenges our understanding of where stromatolites can thrive and provides valuable insights into early Earth ecosystems.
  • Future Prospects:
    • Researchers will continue to explore Sheybarah Island and other similar environments to unravel the mysteries of stromatolites.
    • By studying these vestiges of the past, we gain a deeper appreciation for the origins of life on our planet.




About Stromatolites 

  • Stromatolites are defined as mineral structures built by microorganisms. 
      • These structures originate from the accumulation of carbonated compounds, captured and fixed by biofilms of cyanobacteria.
  • Types: There are at least two types of stromatolites: 
  • Microbial, characterised by fine-grained, locally coarse crust, and hybrid, composed of hybrid crust (alternations of fine-grained and sparry crust).
  • Historical Significance:
      • Stromatolites first appeared around 3.48 billion years ago and dominated the planet for nearly three billion years.
      • They played a crucial role in the Great Oxygenation Event
        • The introduction of oxygen into the atmosphere significantly altered Earth’s composition.
  • Decline and Competition:
      • As other life forms adapted to an oxygenated atmosphere, stromatolites faced stiff competition.
      • Their prominence declined, and they appeared in the geologic record mainly after mass extinctions or in challenging environments.
  • Modern Stromatolites:
      • They are found in niche extreme environments, such as hypersaline marine settings (e.g., Shark Bay, Australia) and alkaline lakes.
      • The Exuma Islands were the only known modern analog to shallow marine settings developed.
      • Outcompeted by Corals: Despite the presence of bacteria, stromatolites rarely form today due to competition, as corals typically outcompete them and limit their growth. This competitive dynamic restricts the ecological niches where stromatolites can thrive.


Stromatolites Cycle

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