The Study By Manikant Singh

Sturgeon Fishes are Facing Severe Poaching in the Lower Danube River

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Sturgeon Fishes are Facing Severe Poaching in the Lower Danube River


Sturgeon, among the world’s most endangered fish, are being heavily poached and trafficked in the Lower Danube, their last stronghold, according to a report by the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).


lake sturgeon

Key Findings: 

    • Bulgaria: 144 incidents, with 988 traditional unbaited hook lines seized.
    • Romania: 157 incidents reported, affecting 610 sturgeons.
    • Ukraine: 94 incidents reported, affecting 418 sturgeons.


Critically Endangered species include:

  • Stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus),  Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) & Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso).
  • Two sturgeon species once native to the Danube are now considered locally extinct:
  • European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) and Ship sturgeon (A. nudiventris).


Major trafficking hotspots include:

  • Vratsa oblast in Bulgaria, Tulcea în România and Odessa in Ukraine.
  • Consistent and comprehensive enforcement data is essential to better understand sturgeon trafficking trends and strengthen anti-poaching efforts. 
  • The Lower Danube Basin is crucial for conservation because it supports self-reproducing sturgeon populations.


About Danube River:

  • Europe’s second longest river, following the Volga.
  • Flows through Central and Eastern Europe, spanning 10 countries.
  • Starts in Germany’s Black Forest and travels southeast.
  • Passes through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, and Ukraine. Empties into the Black Sea.
  • Location of some of Europe’s earliest human settlements
  • Managed by the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River for conservation and maintenance.


Overview of Sturgeon:

  • Belongs to family Acipenseridae.
  • Sturgeons are ancient, large fish with minimal evolutionary changes, often compared to dinosaurs due to their long history and primitive features.
  • Habitats: Oceans, gulfs, lakes, and rivers, with significant populations in Ukraine, southern Russia, and North America.
  • Migration Pattern: Sturgeons migrate from freshwater rivers to the Black Sea and back multiple times during their long lifespan, differing from species like salmon that only migrate once.


Sturgeon Facts:

    • Large species can swallow whole salmon.
    • Biggest Threat: Overexploitation for caviar and other uses.
    • Most Distinctive Feature: Elongated body and bony plates called scutes.
    • Gestation Period: 8 to 15 days.
    • Diet: Carnivorous.
    • Common Name: Sturgeon. Number of Species: 29


Conservation Status:

Over 85% of sturgeon species are critically endangered, making them the most threatened group of animals.


Some key facts about sturgeon:

  • Among the largest freshwater fish, reaching up to 22 feet and 1.5 tonnes.
  • Can live over 100 years and mature in up to 15 years.
  • Believed to have evolved from palaeonisciforms around 419 million years ago, before dinosaurs and have changed very little over time.
  • Survived the Great Permian Extinction and became dominant in river systems across North America and Eurasia. 
  • They are capable of migrating up to 1,864 miles to spawn.
  • Sturgeon caviar is a luxury item, priced up to €6,000 per kilogram.


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