Turing Award

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Turing Award


The 2025 AM Turing Award, often referred to as the Nobel Prize for computer science, has been awarded to two pioneers in the field of reinforcement learning, Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton

More on News:

  • In the early 1980s, Barto and Sutton published a paper introducing their approach using a specific task: balancing a pole on a moving cart in a simulated world. This task demonstrated how an AI could learn from trial and error.
  • They distinguish their work from the current trend in generative AI technologies (e.g., LLMs like ChatGPT) that rely on learning from data created by humans. In contrast, their work focuses on AI learning from its own experiences and actions.

Key Highlights:

  • Reinforcement Learning: Barto and Sutton’s work focused on teaching machines to adapt and improve their behaviour through reinforcement learning. This method involves training AI systems to respond to positive feedback, much like how animal trainers mould the behaviour of animals like dogs or horses.
  • Impact on AI Development: Their research was crucial in enabling AI programs to perform complex tasks, such as Google’s AlphaGo beating top human players in the ancient game of Go in 2016 and 2017.
    • It has also been integral in improving AI tools like ChatGPT, financial trading algorithms, and even robotic systems, such as a robotic hand solving a Rubik’s Cube.

About the ACM A. Turing Award:

  • The award is named after Alan M. Turing, a British mathematician who laid the mathematical foundations of computing. Turing is also known for his crucial role in the Allied cryptanalysis of the Enigma cipher during World War II.
  • Inception: Established in 1966, the Turing Award honours computer scientists and engineers who have made significant contributions to the field of computing.
  • Purpose: The award recognises both the creation of innovative systems and the theoretical foundations that have shaped the information technology industry.
  • The Award carries a $1 million prize, sponsored by Google, and was presented to Barto and Sutton by the Association for Computing Machinery
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